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How To Disable Right Click Copy On Blogger Websites

How To Disable Right Click Copy On Blogger Websites. | Free script for disabling copying blogger contents. | How to disable copy paste in blogger.

Disable Copy On your blogger website free script

Hi Folks, you may have observed that some bloggers prohibit copying content from their blogs and, as a result, deactivate the right click on their sites. This implies that if you choose any text from their blogs and right-click to copy it, nothing will happen. This article will assist you in getting rid of copycats and content pirates. So, let's see how to disable right-click on Blogger blogs.

Follow this simple steps to  disable right click on blogger.

N.B., Do not forget to take a backup of your theme before following up the process.

STEP 1) >> Go to your blogger dashboard and then go to Themes section and click on Edit HTML.

disable right click on blogger

STEP 2) >> Now click anywhere between the html codes and press Ctrl + F , which will open up the search bar there type in </body> and press Enter.

disable right click on blogger

STEP 3) >> Now Just Copy The Code and Paste it above the </body> tag.


$(&#39;body&#39;).bind(&#39;copy cut drag drop&#39;, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); });


disable right click on blogger script

STEP 4) >> Now just follow up the STEP 2) but this time type in ]]></b:skin> .

disable right click on blogger script

STEP 5) >> Replace the ]]></b:skin> with the code below:

body{user-select:none!important;-moz-user-select:-moz-none!important;-webkit-user-select:none!important;-ms-user-select:none!important}.post-body blockquote,.post-body code,.post-body pre{user-select:text!important;-webkit-user-select:text!important;-ms-user-select:text!important;-moz-user-select:text!important}


<style type='text/css'>











disable right click on blogger

STEP 6) >> Now click on the save button and you are done!

right click disable script for blogger


I hope you were successful in disabling right-click on your Blogger blog in order to eliminate the copycats. If you like this post, please share it with your friends, and if you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments box below. I will respond with a new article as soon as possible, so stay tuned.

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