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How to install Metasploit 6 on Android Phone using Termux

How to install Metasploit 6 on Android Phone using Termux. Metasploit 6 in termux.

How to install Metasploit 6 on Android Phone using Termux

What is Metasploit Framework?

The Metasploit Framework is a Ruby-based, modular penetration testing platform that enables you to write, test, and execute exploit code. The Metasploit Framework contains a suite of tools that you can use to test security vulnerabilities, enumerate networks, execute attacks, and evade detection. At its core, the Metasploit Framework is a collection of commonly used tools that provide a complete environment for penetration testing and exploit development.

How to install it on Android Device?

To install Metasploit 6 on your Android Device you will require -

⦿Storage - 1GB (Minimum).

⦿Good Internet Connection.


STEP 1 - Go to your Google Playstore and install termux.


STEP 2 - Open the termux application and type in apt update

Termux update

STEP 3 - Then apt upgrade - y

Termux Upgrade

STEP 4 - To ensure any kind of error during the installation process install the following packages by typing the command pkg install wget curl git openssh -y

Termux wget, openssh, curl ,git

STEP 5 - Then install the ncurses-utils by typing the command apt install ncurses-utils

Termux ncurses-utils

STEP 6 - Now type in the following shortcut command to begin the installation process of Metasploit 6 :- source <(curl -fsSL https://kutt.it/msf)

Metasploit 6 in termux

STEP 7 - Hold On! Now the installation will begin!!! (It will depend on your internet connection speed & device performance).

Metasploit 6 installation on android

STEP 8 - After finishing the installation process, now just type in the command :- msfconsole or msfconsole --help which will launch the metasploit framework for you...

termux msfconsole

STEP 9 - Start making payloads and exploit!!!!!!!!!!!

msfconsole 6

So, Thats all for Today! I hope you learnt something new. And if you agree, please share this with your friends & loved ones who are intersted on cyber sec and penetration testing.If you have faced any kinds of error during the installation process feel free to leave a comment down below.Have a wonderful day!

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