In this Article, I'll show you how to change the Timer of your AdlinkFly URL Shortener Script, which will lead to more engagements on your site and more Ad Impressions. Lets get started.
By default Adlinkfly Script comes with 5 secs timer so to change it follow the Steps below.
Log in to your cPanel
Find Phpmyadmin and open the Database where your Adlinkfly script is installed.
Find Options Table
Open the options table.
Find out 'counter_value' inside the options table
By default it will be set to 5.
Now double click on the value and change it to your required value. In my case i have changed it to 10 secs.
Remember that if you keep the counter value high then your users might find annoying so, it is better not to exceed 20 secs.
Now simply check it by browsing a shortened url of your AdlinkFly Script and you will find out the result.
Congratulations! You have successfully changed the Timer of your AdlinkFly Script.