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How to Create a Free Windows 10 RDP on GitHub

How to create a free Windows 10 RDP using GitHub Codespaces. Get free remote desktop access, run workflows, and connect securely with this easy guide!


Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) allows users to remotely control another computer. While Microsoft provides RDP services, some users seek free alternatives. In this guide, you'll learn how to create a free Windows 10 RDP using GitHub, which leverages GitHub Actions and Cloud instances.

Steps to Create a Free Windows 10 RDP on GitHub

Step 1: Create a new repo.

RDP on github

Step 2: Click on the Hamburger icon and click codespaces.

Windows 10 RDP on github

Step 3: Select the blank template.

RDP on Github

Step 4: Wait for the Terminal to load.

RDP on Free VPS

Step 5: Head back to the codespaces tab and change the machine type.

Github Codespaces

Now select 4-core and update it.

Free RDP on Github

Step 6: Now simply enter this commands.

Free RDP

sudo su

RDP on Github

sudo apt update

Free RDP

sudo apt install docker.io docker-compose

RDP on github for free

mkdir dockercom

RDP on Github

cd dockercom

RDP github

vim windows10.yml

RDP for Free

Copy and paste this codes

    image: dockurr/windows
    container_name: windows
      VERSION: "10"
      PASSWORD: "admin@123"
      RAM_SIZE: "4G"
      CPU_CORES: "4"
      DISK_SIZE: "400G"
      DISK2_SIZE: "100G"
      - /dev/kvm
      - /dev/net/tun
      - NET_ADMIN
      - "8006:8006"
      - "3389:3389/tcp"
      - "3389:3389/udp"
    stop_grace_period: 2m

Then press esc and :x enter

Free RDP

sudo docker-compose -f windows10.yml up

Free RDP instance

Now click on the ports tab and then click the link as shown.

Free Windows 10 RDP on Github

Now this process is bit lengthy so be patient!

Free RDP using Github Codespaces

There you go!!!!

Still Confused? Watch The Video Tutorial.

By following this guide, you can enjoy a free Windows 10 RDP session whenever needed without paying for expensive cloud services!

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